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Old 2017-01-15, 13:01   Link #12
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Things seem a bit slow so far, but hopefully the activity level will pick up a bit as we go along.

Episode Two: "I Want To Protect You"

I find some of the translations in this series a bit suspect. The line about Mithril "defending" nuclear weapons exports for instance. I'm pretty sure Mithril would want to limit that kind of thing.

Apparently the scene with Gauron scoping out Kaname's apartment (the bit where he sticks gum on the leg of Kurz's M9) was something Shouji Gatoh planned to include in the original novel but had to cut due to page count.

Anyway, this is one of my favorite humorous episodes in the series. It also has some nice relationship building between Sousuke and Kaname. Their early relationship development can be a bit forced but I love that train station scene.

I know this series is generally considered to have an excellent dub, but I generally watch it in Japanese, so I'd like to draw special attention to Satsuki Yukino's voice acting as Kaname. I think she does a great job of bringing the character to life. I'm glad she's coming back for the new season.
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