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Old 2017-01-22, 19:55   Link #349
Gamilas Falls
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Republic of California
Age: 46
I honestly don't care about the difference, if any. That's not my point (since lying politician is redundant), the point is the media trend to focus on the pointless and/or small facts and blow them up into huge earthshattering news stories that can last for months, that are worthless.

Who cares how many people were at the inauguration? That's not news. That's a statistic. Reporting about lying about it is equally worthless news to cover. It matters as much as who Celebrity A was seen with in Mexico last Summer. That the media will spend days to months talking about both like it matters to world, is what is wrong, and has been wrong since the 1990s.

As much as I didn't care for Bill Clinton when he was in office, that they impeached him for dropping his pants (well lying about it) is probably the silliest thing they could have gotten him for. It is Celebrity news worthy drivel. And it seems to be all we really get other than opinion pieces about what thing A might mean and surely Thing B is the worst thing ever, kinds of news.

Even President Obama mentioned something about that during his last State of the Union address. About the scale of the media and its effects.
Dessler Soto, Banzai!
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