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Old 2017-02-08, 09:31   Link #113
Join Date: Jun 2013
Just came back from watching the movie. A huge step up from the TV anime in all respects. Tipping my hat to Diomedea, they did good work there. As a long time player and fan I'm pretty happy with their job on the movie.

1) Lot of action - well-animated action (Tenryū! awesome! Yamato good as well). As far as I've seen no noticeable use of 3D. All of the close-ins at least were hand-drawn.
2) Good use of the Abyssal/Kanmusu dynamic to create a (dark-themed) story that's at the heart of the movie. SOL stuff is cut to a minimum, in the whole movie only two scenes or so light SOL stuff. Perhaps more important, no wasting time with the annoying KitaOi antics.
3) Good job managing the drama and tension.
4) Funny seeing the fairies at work including the supplying part.
5) Music is pretty solid. Especially like the theme song by Nishizawa.
6) Ryūjō and her kansai-ben was funny.

1) Some transitions were handled too roughly like cut with a scissor.
2) Not sure about the post-credits scene. Don't think it was necessary.
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