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Old 2017-02-09, 16:45   Link #949
#1 Akashiya Moka Fan
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Where magic is real
Age: 35
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You know, for all the debate we go on in this thread about the billion little nuances of politics... it's taken far too long for me to realize a simple truth of humanity that's been true since the end of the barter system, and this era is proving it the best: Money is Power. We all talk about a President who we can relate to should be in office, but in addition to what's in the Constitution, there's another one (especially since apparently Mark Zuckerburg is thinking about it): You have to be a billionaire.

And for all those grassroots campaigns? the only way they work is if they have millions or billions in funding. It seems that now, the only way you can even begin to change the country is by havong millions or billions... and what percentage of the population has that kind of money?
Gifted...or Cursed?

R+V fanfic- Chapter 4 of A Water Bride and a Vampire is now up at!

All fans of Inner or Outer Moka, come join her fanclub!
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