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Old 2017-02-19, 22:33   Link #44
Join Date: Aug 2016
Originally Posted by Irenesharda View Post
I can see that too. It’s just that Macky spent about 85% of season one planning and manipulating and putting pieces into place. It's why we thought of him as being a chessmaster in the first place.
Also, he had to have a plan prior to knowing about Tekkadan, he’s been planning this and playing the long game for quite a while. We've also seen that he plans and sees things with an analytical mind. It would be more in line with everything we've seen from him, for him to have more than one plan.

But perhaps this was his one weakness area, because as you said, he clings so much to Agnika's legend.

Still, as I did point out, it does serve the narrative anyway as it allows Tekkadan into the forefront again.

Next week's looks treacherous as we have Rustal, Gaelio, Julietta, and Iok all out on the field. They may only have one gundam vs a side with 4, but it's those ships that are going to be the most dangerous.
I believe all that stuff about McG being a master, genius, planner and manipulator still holds true even now. But I think his plan not playing out like he wanted and not having another trick up his sleeve does a lot to humanize him. He's not invincible, he's just as capable of being led astray by irrational thoughts caused by past psychological and emotional issues as anybody else. This isn't the show just suddenly making Mcgillis stupid for a plot contrivance but part of his development as a character.

I also agree narratively it works out best this way since Tekkadan can get a lot more of the spotlight in the coming battle where they might have been overshadowed otherwise. Tekkadan has never really gone up against anything like this (if they did they always found another way of escaping the situation). They're outnumbered by 2 to 1 by mobile suits and ships, up against well trained and experienced soldiers, and led by an intelligent commander who has been doing this a lot longer than anyone on the other side. Meanwhile, Mcgillis's side is mostly made up of younger, naive troops who eat up all his Bael rhetoric. Their only advantage is Tekkadan's AV soldiers, having four Gundams and Mika and Mcgillis who are far better pilots than anyone else besides Gaelio with his pseudo-AV system. Should be interesting to see how this plays out.

Last edited by Batknight; 2017-02-19 at 22:52.
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