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Old 2017-02-20, 03:03   Link #60
Obelisk ze Tormentor
Black Steel Knight
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Indonesia
Well, for those having issues with McG’s “naïve” plan, at the very least the show itself knows how reckless and foolish it is by showing how speechless Liza Enza was in front of Orga who was asking him about the validity of the “trump card” they had. Orga decking McG this episode is pretty much spotlighting McG’s blunder and channeling the audiences’ feelings towards his oversight. So, if this was intentional from IBO scriptwriters to give McG some kind of weakness, at least we can still expect competence in the writing department going forward compared to Gundam shows who don't know that their narrative are bad (eg. Gundam Age Kio/FX-arc). I’m still thankful for it though coz things could’ve been a lot worse. They could’ve made McG suddenly got possessed by Agnika’s soul and drunk on power or shit like that and becoming an overlord, but they just made him basically commit one (big) blunder of failing to get more forces to face Arianrhod due to him relying too much on Bael-rule which is still believable given his character and how much he looked up to Agnika (also, he almost got killed three times in this season if not for Mika repeatedly saving his ass, so we knew beforehand that he’s not infallible).
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