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Old 2017-03-13, 02:38   Link #133
Join Date: Mar 2017
Originally Posted by tdx View Post
I think we're all forgetting about McGillis' Montag company. If anything, that's money and resources right there. In season 1 it was Montag who provided spare parts for Tekkadan's MSs including Barbatos. Plus, we've seen Todo pull up a truck possibly bringing something in to Tekkadan for storage at the beginning of s2. I'm grasping at the straws but what if that something was another forbidden weapon of mass distruction like Dainsleif, and that's what Eugene discovers in the PV. Unlikely though, but...

That article is just someone's opinion. I don't remember any of the staff talking in their interviews (and I've read plenty, I'm collecting the magazines where IBO is featured) about Kudelia in the context of her being Mika's love interest. Or them ever saying there was love between them. In fact, the correlation diagram in IBO: Mechanics & World has "Trust?" for the connection between them (while featuring blatant "love" for the connection from Atra). Also, almost every time when someone of the staff talked about Kudelia, Atra was immediately remembered as well, and they even call them "the two heroines" all the time. At first I was puzzled, but now that Atra is Mika's confirmed love interest it all makes sense.

As to Kudelia getting pregnant... oh boy, the strength of those shipper glasses some of you have on is certainly something.

U are entitled to your opinion but she fits the thing to a tea of the typical gundam heroine. If thats the case they should have not spent time developing their relationship. In fact is argue iys more well developed on screen than the one he had with atra. The ones they (mika and atra) shared in season 2 were limited. Lets make a baby = love. Makes sense. He hasn't displayed any signs of caring for one over the other so how can u say he doesn't love them both equally. Sure kudelia took a step back in season 2. Then if its all confirmed as u say why did mila also not mind making babies with her so nonchalantly. It makes no sense unless he loves them both. If u give me that bs that oh he doesn't know what love is then u can't say he's with atra either. Plus the scene where all three of them are together. If they wanted to reaffirm it it shouldn't have kudelia there unless they are having polygamy stance
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