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Old 2017-03-18, 16:26   Link #10
books-eater youkai
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Betweem wisdom and insanity
Originally Posted by Key Board View Post
But I suppose the media does share the blame for prioritizing Russia news too much.
It starting to act like a smoke screen to mask other terrible things
The Russian news are easy to get out while the more important stories (like how Trump's bad decisions will impact) would require them to put more work and go a bit against the establishment's wish.

Originally Posted by SeijiSensei View Post
Rachel Maddow had a couple of top staff members from the Clinton campaign on her show last night. They both argued that the bigger problem with the media's treatment of her emails was the focus on their, often gossipy, content while paying much less attention to how they were obtained and why they were being released. I generally agree with this point-of-view given the scale and seriousness of having an unfriendly foreign power interfere with our electoral process. Especially if it turns out there actually was collusion with the Trump campaign.
I would say than both story, the not-so-light info made know from the hacks and the implication of said hacks should had beet talk much more. Pretty much every partisan and pundits would had wanted only one of the discution to occur, if only to try to make forget the other, both could ended up pretty damming for one of the party.
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