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Old 2017-04-21, 12:22   Link #2420
4th Dimension
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Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Adriatic Coast, Montenegro, Balkans
Sequence 1 - Battle 3B - Kyrie vs Reinforce

Spoiler for Epilogue Sequence 1:

One of the shames of the Japanese -> English translation is that a lot of the speech ticks kind of get lost since English simply does not posses the same forms. For example Levi constantly uses the male pronouns for herself, fitting the persona of the brash tough fighter she tries to mantain. Similar is with the Stern who is CONSTANTLY polite no matter what she is saying. So in that vein I tried to spice up a bit their dialogues. And Dearche is full on hammy evil overlord. If you have ideas how to spice it up more while conveying the same meaning to give me proposals.

Anyway annotations and comments:
*1 Other alternatives:
If King resurrected,
there is no reason why we wouldn't resurrect too!!
King only resurrected,
no reason we wouldn't resurrect!!
** Here I use brackets to display the meaning of the Kanji and before the brakcets is what is written in ruby. In final cut this will not be done so.
*** It or they now that is the grammar question. It is suitable if Stern is refering to the magical power but they is more suitable for system resources. But what to use if it's both?
*4 the previous sentence was the cause of much headache. But here this is not excatly what they say, but judging from what the joke is, how they say, context etc. I gather that Levi is the bumbling baby so she will not even properly understand what Dearche is saying, while Stern will and will simply answer truthfully.
*5 I need basic factchecking on this one. I'm pretty certain, especially given what Stern says that the S&L did not on their own resurect. But Levi is again an idiot so she doesn't know what happened and is reacting like a kid caught with her hand in a cookie jar, when she didn't even get to taste the cookie.
*6 Basically I'm confideint of the meaning but I might need a better way to say this in Kyrie type of tone. Her tone is sassy. She is trying here to be respectfull but is also failing I think.
*7 I think what she actually says is don't let her near. Or stay away from her, but this one works too and a bit better as a command. Unless someone has a better idea that better reflects the original in English?
*8 I'm not entirely sure on this one TBH. I think that Stern is proposing to relocete to wherever they plan to awaken U-D but I'm not sure.
*9 This is some sort of arcknowledgement of the compliment. It might even be a laugh, only VERY muted since she is Stern.
*10 Take your pick. They both mean the same, that Stern will pay a visit to those present... hey that could be an alternate translation. One moment. If you are suggesting an alternative please try to form it such to show that Stern is EXTREMELY pleasant about the most violent of things.
*11 Pick your poisson, the best way for Dearche to say that "I'll SHOW YOU ALL" and imply utter destruction. Give me your hammiest answers.
*12 If you asked me to say without the Reinforce's answer I would say that she was ordering Reinforce back home, but wasn't sure about it. But then Reinforce agrees with her, which is like... Reinforce would not leave her side even on the pain of death. So another possible interpretation is this one I came up with.
*13 Is it me or does Hayate's next line like totally and brutally shut Fate's attempt to take lead in planning.
*14 This is the meaning only if the i in the original was supposed to be a long one, but Arf for some reason shortened it.

Last edited by 4th Dimension; 2017-04-22 at 16:15.
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