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Old 2017-04-21, 23:37   Link #135
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Originally Posted by Tenzen12 View Post
King and Shirase are single unreliable source. They represent "game company". Mamako posses second hand information ... from Shirase slash King.

And Wise never said it's meant to be enjoyed, she said game purpose is "get intimate with parent" She never specified form it is supposed happen.

“This game was made for the sake of having parents and children adventure together and become more intimate.

Hence the parents and children are transported together as a group, and then go on an adventure together......I don’t know how exactly was this game made and the details regarding it, but......I have confirmed one thing.”
Do you need her to say it three times before you actually understand? If you have a basic understanding of cause and effect, you would not have said something so stupid as "She never specified form it is supposed happen". Because she does. TWICE.

Eitherway bonding while adventuring sound abound right, because you don't need bond over enjoyable things only. Couple therapy is not always pleasant thing.
So you are agreeing that adventuring is is necessary for them to bond then? You are agreeing that adventuring together is what Shirase, the king, Mamako, and wise have been saying all along? That to get more intimate, adventuring together "sounds about right"? I'm glad that we agree. Because that is what I have been constantly arguing this whole time. Parent and child get closer by playing the game is how it's supposed to happen. Just two posts ago you said this:

Goal is "improve relationship between parent and child". Full stop. We don't know HOW is that supposed happen.
Which is it? To adventure together? Or not? Please make up your mind.

sato told Mamako off, because he snapped, he snapped because Mamako didn't gave him enough space to realize himself, Mamako didn't give him space realize himself because game mechanics allowed do everything out of her own power better than he ever could. This game escalated her fatal flaw into extend it couldn't be ignored anymore. If you have at least average intelligence you can realise that much without need spelling it out by just giving it thought. So please try do it next time.
Do you even remember what you typed before rambling incoherently about your points? I asked you to show proof about "the imbalance on the game", which you stated below:

Goal is "improve relationship between parent and child". Full stop. We don't know HOW is that supposed happen. It's this imbalance that allowed Masato finally address problem and if that lead to catharsis, it means project succeeded. Which may be plan a along.
I ask you how it helps Masato finally address the problem, but you just proved my point. IT. DOES. NOT.

Thank you for your effort. It saves me a lot of time trying to convince you, because we agree.
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