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Old 2017-05-01, 01:44   Link #11236
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Originally Posted by 3000forever View Post
According to Hata's blog, Nagi became an "irreplaceable precious woman" to Hayate while he was looking at her talking from behind in chapter 567. I didn't write that. It's on his blog whether you use google translate or read it yourself.
Which was so clear in the manga, Hata-sensei felt he needed to write that in his blog. But then he knows the Nagi ship wasn't developed properly and that most fans probably aren't happy with it.

IMO, Maria ending was killed off early in HIAPOE (the movie that forms part of canon) but pseudo-Maria shippers clung to one or two shipteasing panels every now and then and took this as cold, hard evidence of their nonexistent ship.
1) What about the movie leads you to believe this?

2) Non-existant ship? From the first volume of the manga, Hayate was drooling over Maria, which had Nagi issue her warning about what would happen if Hayate went for Maria. Maria showed some interest in Hayate, but never pushed it that strongly.

Originally Posted by Master Chibi View Post
I still think it's an utter tragedy that he didn't end up with A-tan. I mean I really really REALLY don't understand why he didn't.
He didn't 'cause Hata-sensei didn't want that ending. To be honest, the reason he put off introducing Athena into the story is because he knew it would kill his Nagi x Hayate ship. Indeed, it did. Hata-sensei attempted to sink that ship by having Athena hand the hat to Nagi. Then he made Athena into Ah-tan to remove the romantic element. But the ship wouldn't sink, so he had to have Athena sink herself 'cause "reasons."

The series was funny but it was amazing when it took itself seriously. I'm sure I have replies much earlier in this thread but having read this series early on the scanlation group at the time immediately jumped ahead 50 chapters because of how god damn amazing the arc with a-tan was. Like they just bypassed an entire chunk of the story to give everyone the REAL meat of this series. That's where actual character development happened, and we had a look into his past and it was really really engrossing.
I was only reading Viz's releases at the time, but when they got to the volume that introduced Ah-tan, HnG shifted from a fun, gag comedy series to something very interesting, very good, and that there had been plot all along. It was then that I took to reading the scans 'cause Viz started releasing their volumes slower and slower. That said, I became more and more frustrated by Hata-sensei's fear of working the plot. He was so convinced that if he moved too far from the pure gag chapters, people would abandon the series. Nothing could have been further from the truth.

See usually a comedic series will force itself into a dramatic situation for closure, so that you can accept that when it's settled the cast will continue with their days of fun and laughter. But here it was the opposite, the serious stuff was so much better then comedic stuff, it's a shame it was never animated, and it's obvious the end was just reaching towards a lost cause.
Had Hata-sensei been working on the plot all along with a side of gags worked in, things would have been a lot better. We could have had a proper ending, including one where the Nagi x Hayate ship actually makes sense. Instead, we are left with a mess as there are lots of plot threads unresolved.

A final thought, quoting myself responding to a commenter on the blog, regarding Hata-sensei ending the manga.

I think that what “killed” him was the Can’t Take My Eyes Off You anime. Originally, as I understand it, Hata-sensei wrote the new story elements with the mindset that these would be canon. Thus, he would use the anime to tell the story of Nagi’s parents. He’d also use this to introduce the Kurotsubaki. Unfortunately, as I understand things, when all was said and done, Hata-sensei was not allowed to use the story elements from CTMEOY.

It was then that I noticed a shift in his writing style. I think that initially, Hata-sensei was going to try to write something new, but in the end, the loss of the story he wanted to tell killed his enthusiasm for the series. The efforts to create something new as a replacement were halfhearted at best.
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