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Old 2017-05-05, 21:59   Link #150
Squirrel Master
Join Date: Apr 2015
Poor Rita.

I can't see this ship sailing in the current condition though. I mean, Rita is "dead". She's a zombie. For this ship to have a legitimate shot, IMO, they would need to find a way to revive her body.

Since we're tackling the powers of God, Demons, Angels and Ancient Beasts, I don't think it's too far fetched to find a way to do it.

I'm curious to see where this series will go. I get a feeling that our one-track-mind knight will kill Azazel because he would have gone too far for his revenge. I get a feeling that those Angels will capture the child and be up to no good (they will be the main villain).

Amidst the chaos, the ancient Bahamut (or a different one from S1) will awaken. I have no idea where Favaro will fit in this though. I hope we will see him soon.
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