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Old 2017-05-15, 10:53   Link #20241
Join Date: Jul 2013
Originally Posted by Academus View Post
EO provides easy way to share your current fleet either with text or image. Right click the top rectangular which shows the fleet’s name, AP, LoS, etc.

Back to your fleet.
1. Forget FCF.
2. Equip jet if you have. They grant damage multiplier on top of the dive bomber one.
3. The benefit of upgrading Tomonaga to Tenzan probably outweighs deranking.
4. You should use Egusa and Suisei 601 instead of lesser Suisei.
5. I’m pretty sure your Yamato and Musashi are over the parallel firepower cap. Replace a gun with one that provides more accuracy.
6. Squeeze as many bombers into your CV as possible, starting with moving fighters into the slot left by FCF.
7. If your Kasumi is at K2, replace Hatsushimo with her. Even if not, 4n is still a valid reason for replacement.
8. Equip Abukuma with 20.3cm guns if her luck isn’t modded. If modded, equip for TCI.
9. You should consider equipping Kitakami for TCI.
10. You should consider replacing Bismarck or Ooi with Nachi.
I don't have Nachi.
My Kasumi isn't luck modded though. Will DA deal enough damage with the ammo penalty? Also 37 base luck enough to gamble for TCI? Speaking of which my Kitakami is base luck too.
No jets
I've already squeezed in as many while maintaing AS of 420.
Also what is 4n?

Oh also, I don't understand why my yatei isn't activating reliably. It should have a 67% chance of activation yet most of the time it isn't activated...
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