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Old 2006-07-04, 15:11   Link #18
Join Date: Dec 2005
*sigh* its over... that was an awesome ride. 14 episodes just wasnt enough!
id rank this show in my top 10 easily. sorry to say, but school rumble (first year) and honey and clover beat it.
i didnt find anything wrong at all.

the animation: blew me away. the effort they made for even the smallest details was amazing. Id say with confidence this was THE best animated TV series ever. Some ova's id rank higher (Karas !) Kyoto Animation has raised the bar on how an anime should be done. i cant wait to see how Kanon looks like.

chars: i loved em all. yeah some where just background chars, but the mains ones where kewl. You really got attached to them. Haruhi, Kyon and Yuki were perfect. Mikuru (my fav char) did her job perfectly MOE!!, Koizumi was the "Mystery" char who filled in the blanks , just perfect class of chars types. wish they showed more of Tsuruya! genkiiiiii.... i think ill really miss the gang *sniff*

story: unique, and even tho some/few/many hated the mixed up order of episodes, i loved it. u didnt know what to expect next. kept me guessing all the way to the ending. and i loved the episode they picked for the ending. it gave closure imho. i think if they showed this series in the correct order, it wouldnt have had the impact . im waiting to see how long till other animes copy the mixed up order format.... oops, story hehe, i loved it. a girl who is God and doesnt know it. all i can say is wow.

op/ed: omg, i cant believe the voice actor/actress' did it. i didnt even know till i read on forums .Very catchy songs and those Lives were amazing. i can safely say that Hirano Aya is one of my fav va ever! just to see how good the songs are, try hit and see how many u see on it.
oops forgot to say, i also loved the little squeeks from mikuru the most lol.

Value and Enjoyment: a perfect 10.One of the best ever! one of the few shows that i waited all week to see the next episode. i ALMOST downloaded the raws cuz i couldnt wait. Finally a school based anime that wasnt cliche! or a harem ! just a crazy show bout a girl who is God. totally new genre they created. im already watching this show over and over cuz u see stuff u missed on the first viewing. this is one anime i will tell everyone to watch!
only negative i cant think of is 14 is toooo short. totally worth a full season 24 .
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