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Old 2006-07-05, 14:27   Link #60
Former Triad Typesetter
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Washington, DC
Age: 40
Okay, so I'm gonna go against the grain and say Episode 9 barely ekes out the 12/14 one-two combo (which are just above 1) in my top 4.

Why episode 9, the one that more people voted "boring" and "pointless" than any other in the series? I think that's why I liked it. After an entire series (chronologically) of absurd action and crazy happenings, using this small "slice-of-life" moment to end the series on a nostalgic note was a stroke of brilliance. It made me want another season of the show long before this season was actually done.

12, of course, is up there for the music segment alone—easily the coolest music segment ever seen in an anime to date. KyoAni must've blown a LOT of dollars doing that one. It also had a lot of nice Haruhi development, which is always fun to see.

14 is a magnificent "end note" for the series, which is even more interesting considering it's technically in the middle of the story chronologically. Its ending not only satisfies the desire for a series to go out on a high note emotionally, it also throws into sharp relief the rest of the series that follows is chronologically by revealing a critical plot event that guides the rest of the episodes. It shows that sometimes the "biggest" moments of a series (and, by extension, life) don't come at the "end," but someplace in the middle.

And 1, for all the reasons listed above, comes up high in the list. The sheer amount of work required to achieve the look they did, and the dead-on parody of typical high school student film... I was laughing throughout the entire thing, and watching it again after seeing the rest of the series shows how much they were "revealing" at the time. One of the funniest moments for me was the dialogue between Itsuki and Yuki, because they're breaking the 180° rule—they're talking to each other, but looking off the same side of the frame. Such an elementary rule to break, but extra hilarious for those of us who've ever shot a movie.

It will be interesting to see how these episodes hold up when I watch the series in chronological order.
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