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Old 2006-07-06, 21:26   Link #26
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Neither Here nor There
Age: 39
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I voted Haruhi, why? Well its not to often you get to see what is basically yourself only a girl run around on the screen in front of you, its almost like being in two places at once, which if you ever hallucinate (Which I do after just waking up) is the coolest thing ever.

I wish I could anti-vote for Yuki, she did absolutely nothing for me and the whole her being an ornament for the room comment by Kyon was a pretty accurate descriptionm since she did jack all most of the time and then occassionally stepped in to fix a problem and mumble some barely understandable (I don't mean confusing terms I mean the voice actress was barely comprehensible and quite mumbly) description as to what happened. God I hate the Rei Ayanami type characters with a passion. I have to say Yuki may just well be the most boring anime character I have ever seen, she was used much better in the novels I think, but barely does anything in the anime.
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