Thread: Licensed Re:Creators
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Old 2017-09-12, 14:05   Link #2541
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Originally Posted by Endscape View Post
They knew her as a meme, not as an actual character.

Let's see, Vegeta started foreshadowing Super Saiyans in chapter 280, and Goku actually became a Super Saiyan in chapter 318, so it took basically 38 chapters in 9 months time.

I trust you can tell the difference between that and a couple of novels belted out in 6 months.

Considering most of these characters are from fairly low powered universes, and Altair is powered by the force of a million memes, I doubt it.
Writing 38 chapters of light novel does not require 38 weeks with all the cliches that are available on this world for heroic deeds, and considering the stake of world destruction. With that many stuffs, whoever said it's just a couple of novels? And I was asking how many years it took from the time Goku started fighting Freeza to the time he became Super Saiya.

You just doubt it so that you can claim they don't have it. What stopping them from discovering ancient mecha that can match the power of God?
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