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Old 2006-07-10, 07:14   Link #138
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Chi-town
People tend to forget the timeframe in between series. As much as you hate to see Ayu whine, its only been a few days since Takemoto's confession thus realistically continuing Ayu's plight for world peace errr.... Mayama lovesickness.

Actually, Ayu utters those lines for a reason. And I we saw the reason why in the first season. Ayu was overprotected by her store family and she grew up with relative love hardship. Enter: Mayama, Ayu is very much new to aesthetics of falling in love and getting hurt. Realistically speaking, her reaction is the most "normal" one fo that situation.

And if you don't believe me, just remember those puppy love times you had growing up. Don't you always say that she/he is stupid for falling for someone else?

Now add two and two. Ta-Da. Ayu's plight 101.

But now here we are treated with some Nomiya moments, remember that Ayu is only slightly fond of Nomiya. Its leaning slowly and slowly over to becoming a real love contender relationship and both Nomiya and Ayu's reactions/approach to the situation is very different from how they normally do it. In this case, Nomiya doesn't really care about girls (I believe the 1st season said why) and ofcourse, Ayu is pretty much da-da ove Mayama and yet when these two people met, the reaction was different. Nomiya was serious and Ayu wasn't acting childish.
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