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Old 2017-10-30, 20:27   Link #3216
Join Date: Apr 2010
Originally Posted by 4th Dimension View Post
Her friends know about her mom, mostly from what Vivio herself tells them.
We don't know that for certain, but it's also part of the main canon that Vivio's friends have watched her mothers' movie(s).

Originally Posted by 4th Dimension View Post
Einhard, the battle maniac Einhard, that is OBSESSED with finding strong opponents and proving the strength of her style made for COMBAT, for some reason was COMPLETELY unfamiliar with who the Ace of Aces of TSAB was.
The Movie 1st came out in-universe during the events of Vivid, after Einhart was befriended, but even if that wasn't the case your argument is still constructed as a fallacy.

Originally Posted by 4th Dimension View Post
You are also factually wrong about Vivid Strike. The entire bit about her parents, was not about how good they were, but about how weak Vivio is and about how her life was all sunshine and rainbows. Among other points in her rant she remarks on how her parents are government officials and in a way one might assume she is talking about couple of pencil pushers, and not about Ace of the Navy and Ace of Aces.
A lot of that are assumptions, and is a valid interpretation, but I don't think you have the evidence to call your assertion a fact and call other people "factually wrong", and again the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence so this argument will get us nowhere if your intention is to prove that nobody watched the movies in-universe (outside of the Drama CDs, the commentary tracks and Vivid Life).
Leaving that aside, I think it's very likely public knowledge that many top military officers are S+ ranked mages, many events have involved them in public areas, I don't think most citizens of Mid Childa think of them as pencil pushers.
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