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Old 2017-10-31, 11:49   Link #3218
Join Date: Apr 2010
Originally Posted by 4th Dimension View Post
No, it's not. Given that the same is referenced nowhere back in the Vivid proper. Given that the same is referenced nowhere back in the Vivid proper
Sorry but I believe what you're suggesting is arbitrary and not very reasonable. Cross references are not a requirement for events in a story to be considered a part of its narrative or to be canon, regardless of the official work they come from. If you still stand by that last statement I'll ask you to give sources that support the premise of "multi work series need to cross reference (all the plot points) to belong to the same canon/universe".

Originally Posted by 4th Dimension View Post
and above mentioned seemingly UTTER ignorance on the part of characters on who Vivio's mom really is, its cannonicity in the terms of being part of the main verse is highly suspect.

The movie shouldn't even enter into the Einhard's obliviousness, since even without a movie one might expect her to be interested in facing strong combatants, and where might one find them? Among amateur sportsists like Nove is at start of Vivid? Orrr among actual combat veterans of TSAB. Sane person would assume the later. Yet despite it all we find her stalking at that time person of not much importance, Nove.
You're using the same faulty argument again, the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. If you don't know how arguments and fallacies work you can search in Google for some free resources. Not trying to be offensive, I just want to help.

Originally Posted by 4th Dimension View Post
And yet people one might assume are most likely to be interested in it, DO consider them just random public officials of no consequence and hence think of Vivio as just another kid, and not Kid of the Ace of Aces and kid of the major member of the TSAB instructor corps.
That's a generalization. We know both of friends of Vivio that know who she and her mothers are and of friends who don't. We also still know for certain that some of her friends watched the movies in the main canon, which was the initial argument that still hasn't been proven wrong.
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