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Old 2006-07-14, 19:10   Link #125
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Canada
Age: 38
Originally Posted by LostBlue
自分のTLはreleaseする当日までどう修正されたのは... ちょっとね。
例えば、「微熱」のキュルケをFever, Passionもしは Fervourで良いじゃないかと書いといたら
EP01見たら「Ardent」に変身するし... 「燃える」と全然関係ないのにT_T

ま、そういうのはよくあることだから、いちいち気にしても仕方ないでしょう。ここは大目に見るのがコツです よ。


Originally Posted by LostBlue
Gangster group/organization?

Originally Posted by Sylf

あ、ここは一応英語掲示板だから、日本語の書き込みは控えめにしましょう。 怒られそうだから

Originally Posted by Maids! Maids! Maids!
Possibly incompetent was too strong a word. I didn't mean to suggest she wasn't powerful. Her spells do seem to result in a lot of unintended consequences, however, which her peers find both frightening and funny. I haven't read the book, but at this juncture in the series, she does appear to have accuracy and judgment issues. This certainly makes her appear incompetent. Let's face it. You can have all the potential in the world, but if you're a chemistry student who likes to improvise, and you blow up the classroom every time you perform an experiment, you're not going to be considered competent.

She may have great potential and power. What I was trying to say was her penchant for screwing up, along with the way she moves from "hard" to "soft," makes her endearing. It helps offset her sharpness and haughty demeanor.
Well, you should think there's a reason why Louise can only create "Explosions". It's not about whether Louise is competent or not, but about the direction of her talent. (although the anime won't get to cover too much about it )

As for the kind of dere-ness (intimacy) portrayed in this series, it can get downright fatal. We're not talking about silly fanservices, but borderline erotic contents here. I'm at volume 5 of the novel now and I'm surprised that Saito still has his virginity.

Louise's tsundere range is also far more extreme compared to Shana. She's practically the personification of the word "moody".

Anyway, Saito rules.
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