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Old 2006-07-16, 04:51   Link #1
Yellow Flash
Join Date: Dec 2005
[Manga] Sasuke is stronger than Yondaime

Yes, Sasuke post-timeskip is already stronger than Yondaime Hokage.

Here's why:

Sasuke is one of the genius of the Uchiha clan, the most feared and strongest clan.

At age 12, he already copied Lee's taijutsu, which is the same as Gai, in one second.
Then he surpassed it in just two weeks of training, and mastered the chidori,
a genius ninjutsu, even though he is an Uchiha fire type, he can learn lightning jutsu.

Sasuke is one of the three Uchiha, with Itachi and Madara, the strongest of the clan.
His chakra is more terrifying and cursed than that of Kyuubi, with amazing potential.
Yondaime's chakra was never special, as he is just a normal shinobi who doesn't have a bloodline.

Sasuke was chosen by Orochimaru as the perfect container,
a genius that appears only in decades and who was
supposed to become 4th Hokage, not that other one.

Yondaime was strong enough to seal Kyuubi.

Uh huh. So? Sasuke already defeated Kyuubi, when he suppressed the chakra as if it's nothing.
Kyuubi is afraid of the Uchihas, as they threaten it's existence, like Uchiha Madara, the strongest of all.
Kyuubi had to beg Sasuke not to kill Naruto, as he doesn't stand a chance against this Uchiha kid.

Yondaime created Rasengan, a high-level jutsu.

Yes? Sasuke has Chidori, which is equal to Rasengan, stated in the databook.
This is the jutsu developed by genius Kakashi, who wanted to fight Yondaime, even as a kid,
and went against Yondaime's orders to show how impressive the Hatake clan is.
Not to mention Sasuke can flow Chidori from his entire body, the absolute defense.

Yondaime can use Hiraishin no jutsu.

Uh huh. So? Sharingan may be able to copy Hiraishin, as it isn't a bloodline ability.
Sasuke already gained insane speed anyway, so Yondaime's jutsu isn't a problem.
Sharingan can see the seals and predict movements, so Yondaime can't surprise him,
which is the primary advantage of Hiraishin, to surprise the enemy and ambush him.

Sasuke is the young lion, with more potential than Itachi in his eyes. Yondaime is inferior.

Last edited by Yellow Flash; 2006-07-16 at 09:49.
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