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Old 2006-07-17, 19:53   Link #4
Online Gamer.
Join Date: Mar 2006
How can u compare Gambunta Summoning to Training with Oro lol? They are nothing alike and arnt in the same catagory.

I agree with the not judging their encounter. Naruto had just gone all out against Oro, and yes was emotional from seeing his friend but thats not exactly anything bad to his fighting, they main fact is that sasuke was "fresh" and Naruto basicly completly worn out. However, if we compare Naruto "fresh" to Sasuke "fresh"...we might get an insight. Naruto so far has shown "moments" of aweness, like stopping the old lady and his Kage Bushin control during the bell test, but still, Sasuke deffinalty seemed to have more of an "awe facter" around him than Narutoin his very short and brief encounter, but even so, as we have found out previously, just because your made out to be amazing certain events can accur what wont be forseen, tipping the tide in favour for the underdog. Like Gaara, he was ment to be stupidly insanely powerful and yet Naruto (the joke nin) managed to beat him.

I think when it comes down to it, Naruto deffinatly has more of a potential to beat Sasuke than Sasuke over Naruto. It just seems a Hard Worker > Genious is a far more "enjoyable" outcome than Sasuke beating Naruto, as it has always been this way.
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