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Old 2018-03-01, 05:41   Link #1
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One Piece - Chapter 896 [manga]

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It's back to business as usual! Credit goes to AP's prathhamm and Sandman for the info:

-Chapter title is "The last wish". Ministory has Hajrudin establishing himself as the captain of his own crew after ditching Buggy.

-At Cacao Island, the various warriors of Big Mom's crew are surrounding the last remaining mirror, waiting for Luffy. They figure he might run from Katakuri and use Brulee to escape, so they're ready for him just in case. According to Mont d'Or, even Gold Roger himself wouldn't be able to escape such an entrapment!

-Sanji, who's hiding nearby with Pudding, watches the gathered forces. he aims to take Luffy and escape as quickly as possible the moment the rubber man emerges from the mirror world. He thanks Pudding for her help, and while the latter wants to apologize for the trouble she caused, her "evil" side is too tsundere stubborn to do so. The cook then tells her that he's glad to have her as a fiance, which makes Pudding cry. The woman then tells Sanji that she has a last wish to make of him, as she removes his cigarette.....

-In the mirror world, we finally learn the conclusion of the epic battle: Katakuri's last strike missed, but Luffy's has connected! Beaten and exhausted, both combatants end up passing out. A short while later though, Luffy regains consciousness and comes across Katakuri, who's also awake. The commander asks him if he intends to return one day to defeat Big Mom. The young pirate responds that of course he will, as he's the man who will one day become Pirate King! Kata comments that the rubber man is certainly looking far into the future, before passing out once more. Interestingly, he was about to fall face-down, but instead he falls on his back, leaving his face exposed. Nonetheless, Luffy uses his hat (the one he got from Capone, not his straw hat) to cover the man's face before making his exit....

-An unexpected ally, who has captured Brulee, is waiting for Luffy. The mystery person calls himself "Nazomuzu", but it's clearly Pekoms in disguise, a fact that even Luffy figures out. The appointed time for our hero to reunite with his friends has arrived, and the crowd of enemies are still awaiting him outside the mirror....!!!!

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Last edited by marvelB; 2018-03-02 at 23:26.
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