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Old 2018-03-10, 04:53   Link #3282
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2006
I feel since what happened in the Mid-East with Anti-Titan weaponry catching up that Paradis and other countries smell blood in the water.

Willy turning to this plan to turn the world against Paradis smell of desperation as Marley has a short life left into it. Due to technology and lack of resources.

I'll bet those diplomats killed on stage that didn't leave like Hizuru's diplomat were sacrifices as they are puppets to Marley.

Zeke knew he was being monitored for treason and has been in contact with Eren. He probably sees the vsurvival of the Eldian people lies with Paradis as neither Marley or the rest of the world would accept them.

Maggath who thought initially it was unthinkable that other countries would not tolerate Paradis is having second thoughts on that during battle.

Realpolitik happens. Paradis has something to offer other countries rather than go to war against them. And they have a mutual enemy in Marley.
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