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Old 2018-03-24, 00:28   Link #3294
Annie Leonhart
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Indiana
Torturing people, using has weapons, putting them in concentration camp is not diplomacy. Second you know willy and the world declared war on Paradise Island first right? Your assuming Eren and Paradise Island had a chose in the beginning.

Conquering your enemies
Just because you beat your enemies does not mean you have to kill and subjugate them. Your just being extreme. There are plenty of example in history that proves that.

Funny how you blame the Eldians for not playing nice when its Marley that attacked them in the first place and the world made there first deceleration of war against them. Why can't it be the other way around? Like this it would truly be far better if the rest of the world disappeared. If Marley and the world truly cannot live in peace with the Eldians. Eren was right all along the world is the villian.

"on the other side of the wall, is the ocean, and on the other side of the ocean, is freedom. We believed that for so long... but it's not true. Everything is as I saw it in my father's memories what's waiting for us on the other side of the ocean is the enemy. Right? So if we kill the enemy, the one waiting for us on the other side, will we finally be free?"~Eren Chapter 90 last page
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