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Old 2018-05-09, 00:50   Link #21
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Join Date: Jun 2015
Sorry for the late answer, I got ill so I couldn't check on the thread these past days until I got better. Anyway for some of the answers.

Originally Posted by pervypig View Post
Erm, this is a world where woman's supposed to be better treated than men, so wtf does his father still has a mistress? The premises is all wrong. It should be the legal wife who got misters.
While do get better treatment that men, the men are still the ones who hold the political and get the money. How are they treated better than men?, well almost all of the noble ladies use their husband money to live in luxury while they don't do any work in the house, also when choosing a husband,, they usually look for the ones with a lot of money and a big position and on top of it, it's harder for a man to marry once they get older than it is for a woman (since noblemen are obligated to have a noble lady as a wife).

The mistresses that appear in that world are usually women who the nobleman do love since they are low ranking nobles or commoners, they don't grow with the arrogant attitude that most noble ladies have so they are kind and sincere women, unlike the legal wife they are forced to marry.

Incidentally, the legal wifes do have lovers on their own in the form of demi-human slaves that they make their parent's or husband buy for them as a "servant" (though they do the work a servant would do, it's an open secret to everyone that they are bought for the purpose of being a lover). Also, they make the husband pay for the upkeep of the "servants" they have.

Don't question as for why if men hold the power in the country they don't change things so that men don't get treated so unfairly, that world is a world made from the setting of an otome game after all, I mean, there is a airship that will only work with the power of love

Originally Posted by Flare007 View Post
So could you tell us more of the harem? And more of the MC’s personality?
Originally Posted by tsunade666 View Post
Can someone name the characters in the character illustrations? who is who?

ugh. too many boys. wtf is this. Reminds me of Seven when the little sister created her own harem but here, we got illustrations for bunch of pretty boys.

While I don't like for the character pool to be majority girls. I loath more to have lots of boys. Balance is best for me.

Well, there is some info about some of the characters.


By the way, if anyone is wondering (since I don't think there are many reading it) here is what is currently happening in the latest chapter

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