Thread: Licensed Simoun
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Old 2006-07-21, 01:57   Link #989
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Originally Posted by fignae
Yun has a gravity the other characters don't possess. It's like Neviril's, but different, harder.
It seems to me that the gravity Neviril exhibits comes from the regal air she carries - when she's on top of her game, she looks every inch the leader of Chor Tempest. None of the others even come close to having her command presence. On the other hand, Neviril can be extremely brittle under pressure, as we've seen twice already (after Amuria's death, and in her current troubles with Aeru).

Yun's gravity seems to come from her stoicism (bordering on fatalism, as Aeru has pointed out) in the face of bad circumstances. She's lost friends, come to terms with it and kept on going; and unlike virtually every other member of the Chor, we haven't seen her show any serious emotional weakness yet. Yun does the best she can in any situation and rarely complains. I'm not surprised she's won fans who appreciate her quiet, no-nonsense attitude compared to the drama queens, human typhoons and psychological basket cases that make up the rest of the Chor.
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