Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Darling in the Franxx
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Old 2018-05-13, 10:05   Link #2977
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Join Date: Aug 2014
Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor View Post
I have one word for that: precaution. Even if they do not expect a fight, they should be prepared for a fight. The APEs lack the sense of precaution and they look like idiots because of it. Even more so when they did this mistake twice on-screen already.

This is what the tall APE-dude said to Klax-Hime (among other things):
“You no longer stand any chance of victory. Cease your resistance at once and surrender to us”
After that kind of shit-talking, only idiots would think that the Klax-Hime wouldn’t retaliate and not prepared for her retaliation. "Preparation and precaution when it matters" seem to be one of the big weaknesses of the APEs (they really need to learn that from Momonga ).
well when i do agree they being idiots and doing mistakes it not was really the queen fault, because she only "retaliate" after the robot jump and attack, before that she was just doing some sort of "telephaty with the "human APE, she not was really attacking them even after what he told, if she really wanted kill them they could not even had get "that close to her" as she allowed, this show which she is not a "murderous monster" she was willing to hear what they come to say to her and maybe if the small one not had attacked her they could had survived, the problem was the "little guy" jumping and talking about kill her in that place it triggered her to get angry and kill everyong.

If they go to her "not prepared to battle at last not majority of them, this means which that not was the first time they meet and the show somehow made clear which they already meet her before them if no one was killed before them they think no one gonna be killed again, which was being "true" until the things goes wrong.

I think the idea here is which the queen is "reasonable" and if you don't provoke her she not "auto kill" you or send klaxss to kill you

Another thing to take in account is since they are no more "humans" and can just replace the one killed by a "new one" if him and not all of them are "biologic, them they really goes to a point where they almost don't care about "dying", all they need is replace the lost one for a new one.

They really where idiots but for being the ones to dig they graves.

Last edited by Blueknight78; 2018-05-13 at 10:19.
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