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Old 2018-05-28, 13:03   Link #3067
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Originally Posted by ~Yami~ View Post
Shirley's death is probably not as meaningful as Euphie's death or Rolo's death
but her death played significant impact toward the watcher.. everyone remembered her death as one of the most unfortunate and painful since she just got caught in the middle of the conflict.
Right now, I think some individuals are speculating too much based on little information.

But here's the thing: there were also people who hated Shirley, as well as those who thought it was far too cruel and merciless to kill her off. I've seen new viewers get mad at the show because of her death even in recent years or old fans who still think that was not a good idea.

Therefore, having her be alive in a seperate continuity from that of the TV series doesn't bother me as a concept and, in a way, is giving her another chance at a hopefully less painful existence.

The staff had already said that these compilation movies will be the base for the continuation, rather than the TV show, so in practice they are parallel storylines. It's not obligatory for everything to remain identical. If we don't like the results, then knowing it is a separate story should be enough.

How that survival affects other events down the line, mind you, is not clear yet.
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