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Old 2018-05-31, 17:21   Link #3072
Best Girl Connoisseur
Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Trinidad & Tobago
Age: 28
Originally Posted by konart View Post
It wasn't actually. It was needless drama and additional motivation to deal with the order, nothing more.

As for her "comeback" being or being not necessary - she will clearly be a part of whatever they are prepairing for Lelouche's ressurection. So obviously she is necessary from their point of view.
Now, I follow what it is you're saying, but calling it "needless drama" is a bit much. Her death had a profound effect on Lelouch and greatly fueled his motivations towards the end of R2. Her death played a big part in him deciding to wipe out the order instead of controlling it and also partly fueled Zero Requiem as he did that to atone for all his sins. The character deaths that directly fueled his suicidal tendencies were Euphemia, Shirley, Rolo and Nunnally imo. (Despite Rolo being responsible for Shirley's death, he redeemed himself with his sacrifice and Nunnally was assumed KIA during the planning stages of ZR.)

As for my thoughts on the matter: I personally don't mind her surviving this ordeal, but the one outstanding characteristic of her death in the original series was that she wasn't involved in the politics and terrorism, yet she still died because of it (an innocent bystander). That's what made her death unique and it really was one of the most emotional deaths in the series because of that. That said, it's clear that we should entirely disregard the original series going into the sequel.

Now the real question is whether the original series should be considered non-canon and these compilation movies the new canon?

Or is it one of those alternate timeline things where there is one singular timeline which branches into two similar timelines, but events diverge at specific points hence preserving the original canon, but still creating another?
"When there is evil in this world that justice cannot defeat, would you taint your hands with evil to defeat evil? Or would you remain steadfast and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?" - Lelouch vi Britannia as Zero.
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