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Old 2018-06-21, 09:11   Link #8
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: forever lost inside a logic error
Originally Posted by 4th Dimension View Post
For me these last couple episodes kinda dragged, because most of events here are either stuff we already knew or suspected, or telling Maho things we already knew.
The main problem for me is that after all these episodes we have reached a point where you don't really know what the main characters are supposed to do.

Unless a story is a slice of life there should be some kind of objective for the protagonists to pursue, and so far we had a few minor ones: find Kagari, find out who is targeting Kagari, return to the previous timeline, prevent Makise's laptop from being stolen, but all of those are episodic, short lived and feel disconnected to each others.

What now? We don't know. Rintaro is still of the idea that you should never mess with time and he doesn't really have a plan on how to stop the incoming 3rd world war. He knows that someone somehow must have caused a time shift, but he's not even facing the issue, the very high possibility that if someone manipulated time he will do it again.

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