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Old 2018-07-08, 09:41   Link #247
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Join Date: Dec 2005
I think one possible plan would be to split up. There was two paths to get to goldy Pond. Mister and Ray carry Emma through the fastest route back to the shelter to get her the medical treatment she needs, while Lucas and the rest go down the longer but safer path that would take a few weeks to get through. This assumes that the injured kids are stable enough

The other option would be for the injured to stay behind, but with intention of coming back for them (and lucas more than likely staying with them). The healthy head back to the shelter, get more medical supplies and weapons, and come back. The demons don't know about the hidden pathways so the injured could hide there for as long as necessary. The challenge would be getting them out afterwards, since that would depend on what the demon servants do... if they swarm the place, then escape will become a serious problem, but if they leave it alone after confirming the other demons were killed, then it might not be such a problem... Though this would still most likely mean them taking Emma with them, since it sounds like she would not last long enough for them to come back.
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