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Old 2018-08-04, 06:56   Link #1099
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2014
thanks for the answers. i totally plan to buy the fulls series not just vol 1, it's just i didn't know any of them and bought both on a whim. i'm a very heavy reader so i'm always starved of books to read.

by darks thing i mean like one of the main protag get killed and we have en entire period of describing the mental trauma of the rest of the cast. like SAO's saki's part, or grimgar manato's part (which were both small enough for me to bear, but was clearly the low for me), or senseless violence like higurashi .

thanks for the recommendation, to bad they have no paperback i love collecting and fill up my room with books (finally reached 1k books counting both manga and LN alone, and dunno how many other books i have, too many to count ); but hey i've bought a kobo because sometimes it can't be helped

i think i'll start with danmachi then, but can't really watch the anime first since i got such a joke of a net connection here and if danmachi get high in vol3, hey amazon is fast to deliver so no problem
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