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Old 2018-09-05, 15:06   Link #271
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Originally Posted by Tenzen12 View Post
Sheryl is good, she knows she is good and she is expect everyone know it too. So yes she might come as overbearing and arogant at times, but she good and generous person notwithstanding. Just because she has several sides of her doesn't make her inconsitent.

Minmay in other hand was stupid kid that got suddenly famous. She didn't know what she wanted and expected everyone provide her exactly that and would go for whatever whim she got at moment.

Sheryl being more than just arogant idol nor Minmay being exactly that, make inconsitent or bad writing. And while this post might look like I dislike former (and I do dislike her), she is actually brilliantly written (unlikable and shallow as she is) character.
The good part about each of their counterparts is they had other versions of themselves if you didn't like the initial impression.

For instance, I liked movie Sheryl for her consistent personality vs. her TV self that could be prude like TV Minmei at times. I don't know if the novel version of Sheryl is good or bad, seeing as I didn't really read a lot of it to know if she's consistent in her character; but her manga self is consistent for a majority of the story (Kiss in the Galaxy notwithstanding in this argument because I'm talking the official Frontier manga).

Minmei is a curious case at times. I didn't really ship Minmei and Hikaru from the beginning so I could say I like both versions of her?

I guess it's more noticeable how other media can show off flaws in characters because Delta's official manga and novel portrayed Hayate as overwhelming obsessed with Freyja from the beginning because of her singing in their first meeting; but the TV series had a gradual build towards it in the first 13 episodes which felt more natural. Then it continued to stretch on in the second half to the point where it really didn't feel like Hayate was in love with Freyja (or initially obsessed like in the movie, novels, and manga). The finale really showed how stretched out Delta was because their initial "we'll do the second arc in a movie" was cancelled.

And yes, there are character flaws in all forms of work, but ignoring them in favor of praising your favorite character never does justice I feel. I mean, I can admit Ranka has loads of flaws. Do I accept those flaws and still love her as a character? Yes. Can I accept others feel she has flaws? Within reason and if they bring a sound argument from the CHARACTER'S point of view (not the audience) then yes, I can.
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