Thread: Licensed Gun X Sword
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Old 2006-07-25, 11:49   Link #52
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Originally Posted by lommm
i watched the whole series last month and i saw it like this:


that's the way I see it... this show is about 80% great, but a couple of the early fillerish eps are misplaced and the actual resolving of the conspiracy and cult of the Claw Man is rushed because of it... but several of the character are really great (Van and Ray especially)... I almost feel like the show would have been better off to be structured more along the lines of Shinichiro Watanabe's shows... sure, there's a through line for the plot of the whole series, but he only uses the last three or four episodes to resolve it, not the last 12 eps, the way this show does...

also, what's with the show being on "Planet Endless Illlusion"???? It could have been much better to be on Earth in the distant future, post apocolyptic war or something...


And lommm, now that I think about it, you're probably dead on with that. Seeing how
and how
Add in the fact that Gadved is pretty much a disciplined man with strict principles, I think you hit the nail on the head.
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