Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Overlord Season 3
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Old 2018-10-04, 16:30   Link #1009
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Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant View Post
Ainz doesn't need to be right, he just need to be BETTER.

There are many things Ainz does wrong, but there are two notable improvements he bring into the world;
1. He sees absolutely everyone as equals. Equally worthless, yes, but equal none the less.
2. More importantly, he doesn't see himself as inherently superior. This is more blatant in future volumes, but I hope i am allowed to say that Ainz is prepared to submit himself to servitude if he ends up meeting an enemy too strong for him. That he is fully knowing his power is the only thing keeping him on top. That there was no moral right at all for him to be above others.

Ainz does not believe in Manifest Destiny. He is not a Chosen One, no one granted him the right to rule. What he gain, he can easily lose. His followers obviously worships him, but he doesn't let that affect his own views.

And what view is that? The view that you need power. Not power for its own sake, but you need power to have anything at all. Yes, you can use power to do evil, but you can do evil with anything. Power is what gives one to even have an opinion, to have a voice, to make decisions. To be righteous is fine and dandy, but without power to back it up, righteousness is just empty platitudes.

Thus, the last three seasons was Ainz doing what he needed to do to gain power. And he will continue to gain power. He will do many things that are not righteous in the process, but so long as no higher authority tried to stop him, he will continue. For as long as he is the strongest, he will not bend the knee. It isn't fair, but you need power to make things fair.
I think you touched a very important point here that's been missed up until now and that is "personal power". Unlike our world, where no matter what, any human is still a fragile existence and as long as you can "cheat" your way through guards and "defensive measures", then a person, no matter how much "power" they possess, can still be eliminated, because that "power" is purely the commanding rights over others, but not actual "personal power". A super dictator that managed to conquer the world somehow might still fall at the hands of a lone wolf assassin because the dictator is still a normal human being, no matter how intelligent.

But Ainz, or perhaps the New World in itself, is completely different. Taking cases like the Re-Estize King or the Baharut Emperor aside, leaders like the Platinum Dragon Lord actually have personal power that's absolute. 99.99% of the world would be unable to "assassinate" the Platinum Dragon Lord, no matter how hard they tried, no matter how defenseless he might be at any moment. That's because of his personal power compared to the attacker's.

Even if Ainz took off all his equipment and just stood there doing nothing, Gazef's sword, while being able to bypass Ainz's high tier physical immunity and perhaps even slash resistence, is still only a "low-level magic weapon", i.e. doesn't really have much base damage in relation to high-level YGGDRASSIL weapons, and would still require him to slash away for who knows how long using several martial arts before he could seriously damage Ainz (who afaik has relatively low HP, but high enough def and magic def to tank several of Shalltear's attacks + his own Fallen Dawn without dying), and Ainz would probably still be OK at the point that Gazef reaches complete exhaustion from using regular attacks and martial arts. And of course "Ainz standing around" would never happen long enough for Ainz to actually take life-threatening damage.

So with that in mind, please note that our morals don't account for this "difference in personal power". On the opposite, actually. Religions go as far as to legitimize anything that's normally considered wrongdoing when a being who is considered a deity is responsible for it. And we people also idolize minor wrongdoings of strong people, like our comic superheroes.

Did anyone ever WANT superheroes to be treated normally and according to the law? Like fining them for collateral damage or trespassing? No, most likely not and that's simply "because they are superheroes" and on top of that, even if someone wanted to put one into prison for any larger damages they did, it COULD NOT BE ENFORCED.

It's clear that even in the hypothetical scenario where people with superior personal power exist in our own society, we appearently wouldn't want nor would be able to judge them "like we would judge any other normal person".
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