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Old 2018-11-30, 05:38   Link #2
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2008
Argh.... this was so bad.....

MC just pisses me off with his happy go lucky attitude and lieing to everyones face bullshit. I wanted to butcher him myself. Serious how can he be so air headed. The only smart one went down the stairs and finished it off. Which you should of done in the first place, and the MC then carried on like an idiot. Pretending to be... some thing I dont care anymore, i just wanted to punch him.

I actually hoped they all died at that point, cause I didnt care anymore.

btw, the first few chapters I was going.. why da f..... was there 1 chicken inside the gym, then a bunch of them appeared. Turns out the adults turned into chickens"off screen". Terrible writing. Take it back to the drawing board and do it again.

yeah, so as you see, I didnt like it. the zoo one was better at least and I wasnt "all" that found how that one was turning out

Ah yeah, not to mention the kids look wierd as well. They might as well be the monsters too.

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