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Old 2018-12-01, 11:59   Link #8
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2011
Age: 33
I enjoyed the episode. I'm surprised they're adapting the airplane bit next episode. Not surprised they can't fit in SS2 though it introduces a lot of characters I would've like to see voiced finally. No space for all those mini stories, and it would be jarring for people who never read them to just cut through the most important ones without any time for the context behind each scene to become clear.

So far the episode was quite good, Fiamma is here to stay but I can't stop facepalming at how bith Acqua and Fiamma are understimating the power of Academy City, that's a huge mistake.
I wouldn't say Fiamma necessarily underestimates them but his primarily goal is definitely to gain full control over his Holy Right which he needs to go to England to do and get Index as he and the Pope argued about. Everything is second to reaching his full power to him. As shown, it seems his weak Holy Right can obliterate a sizeable chunk of the Vatican with one shot and that was with it being protected by the Pope. Oh, and I loved the little hymn sound that resonates when the Holy Right is used. I hope that a trend that continues like Imagine Breaker's sound effect.

Last edited by Daft; 2018-12-01 at 13:15. Reason: Add text
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