Thread: Licensed Simoun
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Old 2006-07-28, 21:18   Link #1078
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Originally Posted by Iskandar Taib
Yup.. that's how it was done in real life. The in-air strength of a RAF fighter squadron in 1939 was 12 planes, but a squadron actually had 18 or so pilots and about as many airplanes.
That's quite a lot of reserves to hold back. I believe WWII USAAF squadrons also had 18 aircraft - but their mission strength was 16 (four flights of four) and the two spares often took off with the main group anyway, to fill in for any early aborts (yet another problem Simouns don't ever seem to have).

For a Simoun Chor, it would make sense to have more pilots than aircraft, since their loss rate is generally quite low and the Simouns are usually 100% available (which makes their maintenance crews seem very good, but then again they don't understand and never touch the most critical parts of the airframe - so what exactly do they do, anyway? Reload the guns and polish the hull?).

Originally Posted by Iskandar Taib
Big mistake in "Piece of Cake" (the novel, that was).
Hey, so I'm not the only one who keeps thinking of PoC while watching Simoun! I like the way both stories keep the airborne fighting short and sharp, while focusing on the character interplay on the ground.
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