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Old 2019-02-06, 17:24   Link #19
Let's play a game!
Join Date: Sep 2006
Actually, I guess there was another reason for this episode, despite the goofiness: To set up some narrative showing different magic being used, types of elements, and ways that it can affect the world. Many shows would go on an infodump to explain how magic works, but in this show neither of the main characters can provide that. Although it would not be unheard of for Raphtalia to have enough knowledge to explain everything to the viewer, it's nice that the story weaves it in more naturally instead.

Types of magics:

Raphtalia: Light and dark, supposedly good for illusions. Hoping for some amazing trickery from Raphtalia in the future. Also appropriate, given her tanuki nature, as they are notorious tricksters and masters of illusion.

Naofumi: Healing and support magic. Notably, Slow and Haste apparently don't count as support magic, since the Domino Mask lady said that the magic traces did not match his or Raphtalia's.

Mein: Wind magic.

Earth magic: Can create pitfalls.

Unknown types: Haste or slow a target. In Final Fantasy, Slow is an earth magic, and Haste is an air magic, so it might be that.

So what is support magic? Well, presumably not a magic that can be used for attacks. Maybe cleaning clothes, cooking, or campsite sanitation needs? Stuff to improve quality of life would be a common isekai trope, and honestly worth it if you really think about the details.
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