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Old 2019-02-10, 12:01   Link #6832
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Join Date: Apr 2016
I just refuse to believe that you can just give most people on the planet what amounts to a potential weapon of mass destruction and expect things to turn out even remotely fine afterwards.
Training at magic takes years and years of formation, and many, like Takahata, are born unable to even use it. It's just Negi and his class were a bunch of magically gifted freaks of nature whom Konoemon probably placed together around the Twilight Princess, his ultra-prodigy-potential granddaughter, the immortal vampire, the experimented half Mazoku mercenary, the ghost, the bird hanyu, the probability altering girl and the Mazoku princess of Venus on purpose.

If magic is revealed, most people will still remain unable to use magic for years, and that's only for those with the patience, the means (there's a rather limited amount of people able and willing to teach it) and the natural gifts to learn. That's why magic apps were such a game changer, but those advances won't be ready in another 80 years from Negima's time.

EDIT: Wow, looking at it again, the scene where Fate is beheaded IS stupid looking. It looks like he's a mannequin having the head slapped off its neck.

The guy works for a PMC, so maybe Fate's already hired his services for a time and can't really break the contract yet.
I forgot to address this before, but I'm pretty sure you can break contracts whenever the contracted party repeteadly fails to deliver in terms of efficiency at what they are supposed to do, especially when you, as the contractor, hold titles of the caliber of 'Strongest Mage in the Solar System' (for all the good that title has done for Fate ever since.) I'm reasonably sure I remember him even going against Fate's orders before (when going after Kuromaru in the tower?) which would be a solid cause for his contract termination.

It seems that just, for some reason, Akamatsu is in love with the character. Even Tsukuyomi would make more sense to keep bringing back at this point, at least she has solid lore foundations and connections, and yet we don't even know yet if she's supposed to be the same Tsukuyomi or a copycat.

Last edited by NapoleonDeCheese; 2019-02-10 at 12:46.
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