Thread: Brexit Vote
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Old 2019-02-24, 05:34   Link #982
I disagree with you all.
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Sheba View Post
I'd add one thing, Sarkozy signed an agreement with UK to keep the migrants on his country. Which is why the entire "Meanie Merkel want to flood Holy Albion with Brown People" rhetoric that some Brexiteers kept spreading is all the more infuriating. If France didnt respect the agreement and let the non-EU migrants go to UK, Calais may have not become the mess, and one of the arguments for the french far-right, it is now.

This is one of the little privileges UK enjoyed.
We should back out of that agreement, and open a rubber boat factory near Calais.

Originally Posted by judasmartel View Post
So one of the perks of being in the EU is keeping undesirable non-EU migrants off the UK?
The agreement Sheba spoke of technically wasn't an EU agreement.

So the Brexiteers' problem with immigration is with the EU migrants? After all, they can impose further restrictions on non-EU migrants without the EU holding it against them, right?
Well, they don't like the Poles, but mostly they're just suckers who didn't know what they were voting against.
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