Thread: Brexit Vote
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Old 2019-03-10, 12:07   Link #991
Takao Tsundere Cruiser
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Watching CGP Grey's videos has made me frustrated on the Brexit negotiation thing.
Please, just cancel Brexit. I don't care it might ruined your name and political career.
I don't care if it might piss off pro-Brexit politicians and business group and a certain leader who has no idea how economics works.
I don't care you might be forever be a laughing stock for failing to achieve any of your goals.

Just give up and call it quits. This whole thing has been nothing but trouble, ruined the economy and trust with Europe, and caused a lot of political infighting between the Realists who realize Brexit is impossible and the naive and foolish who still think they can still get all of the good stuff without the bad baggage.

Just cancel Brexit.
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