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Old 2019-04-21, 15:31   Link #1070
Sleepy Lurker
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Nun'yabiznehz
Age: 38
There are a few rough blueprints floating around like the BB1936 (AKA UP.41) that WG could use as basis for vessels above T8 (at least for the battleships; not too sure for the cruiser line, which would stop at T8 Zara). They also should have more than a little documentation lying around in Russia considering the Ansaldo company had sold a few BB designs for the VMF (if you look at some of the Russian cruisers, you can definitely see the Italian influence right there - especially in the guns and conn towers) that were also considered for the Regia Marina, and more than a couple blueprints had been sent over to Moscow before war broke out. Still, a hypothetical Italian line would have more "actually built and entered in service" ships than the upcoming Russian BB line.

Besides...if I may be a bit snarky here...if you look back at Zao, Hindenburg, Roon or Vladivostok, WG has no qualms cooking a design from the ground up, using vague cues from preceding vessels. Heck, even the Georgia is based on a very vague Iowa precursor design that briefly toyed with the idea of 457mm guns (and, yes, a single 18'' gun was actually built and test-fired by the USN) before going back to 406mm.

That said, I know they're pandering to their non-negligible Russian playerbase and this is merely a business-oriented decision, but the history aficionado deep inside of me chafes at the continued lack of (regular) ITA ships.
<-- Click to enter my (moribund) GFX thread.

Last edited by Renegade334; 2019-04-21 at 16:15.
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