Thread: Ufo?
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Old 2019-06-05, 23:14   Link #67
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Tom DeLonge’s Origin Story For To The Stars Academy Describes
A Government UFO Info Operation:

"Key players on the To The Stars Academy team—a group with curiously impressive
resumes from the military industrial and intelligence complex's highest rungs and
darkest corners—are virtually everywhere in the media right now. In what has been one
of the most impressive media pushes I have seen in a long time, the group has gone all
out in promoting their new show, Unidentified, on the History Channel. At the same
time, as if right on cue—which isn't all that surprising—huge UFO-related stories have hit
the mainstream media. These have included on the record accounts of Navy fighter
pilots recently encountering UFOs and an announcement of the service's own rule
charges regarding how personnel report these incidents. We have gone in depth on
each of these stories in an attempt to cut through the static and get to the truth, or at
least the possibilities surrounding what could end up being the truth.

Yet one of the most fascinating, but seldom-discussed elements of this whole story is
how To The Stars Academy Of Arts And Sciences came to be and who the mysterious
people were that had a direct hand in making it a reality. Even by its principal founder's
own bizarre, yet highly detailed account, which you will read in full in a moment, it
sounds far more akin to the making of a tightly controlled government information and
psychological operation than the result of a group of highly-qualified people who were
interested in accessing new insights on the subject of UFOs."

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