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Old 2019-08-16, 08:08   Link #1078
Sleepy Lurker
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Nun'yabiznehz
Age: 38
For those who didn't catch the announcement on Reddit:

Back in 2018 many of you have participated in the operation called 'Terror of the Deep'. This event allowed everyone to try a new class in our game — submarines. By the end of the event, it became clear that our players are highly interested in submarines and we should be engaged in full development.
And now, we are happy to announce that the first stages of closed testing will begin shortly, where the new gameplay of submarines will be tested. The American and German submarines will be the pioneers of the new class.
After the SuperTest submarines will be available for players to try on a special server, before being added to the main game client. Once introduced, the new class will initially be available in a special separate battle type only and this final configuration stage will last for several months. This will allow us to make additional changes to the new class under the conditions of the live server.
We will be sharing more details with you shortly. Follow our official game channels for more news!
Not sure how they are going to implement this, given that BBs are not exactly ASW-oriented and thus will have trouble properly fighting back...that said, I'm definitely going to keep an eye on this.

Still playing on and off and I'm ~22K coal away from a Yoshino but for some reason I'm procrastinating as hell, taking my diabetes-inducing sweet time bridging that final gap. ION, I'm bummed the Ohio is a reward for that dumpster fire called the Research Bureau, I'd have loved getting myself a Montana with eight 457mm guns.
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