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Old 2019-08-22, 15:47   Link #108
Born to ship
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Texas
Honestly the same thing occurred to me. Could be true, and would be an interesting idea.

So Latina didn't do anything to be labeled a criminal, an oracle said something that her clan took as a disastrous or evil future and so for protection they marked and exiled her. I wonder if that's what she meant earlier when she said things "hadn't been decided", like maybe oracles are regularly consulted at some point in a child's development to "decide" their path and then better guide them along that route. One thing I'm pretty sure of is that it didn't say she was to be the new first demon lord, as I'm pretty sure they'd have treated her as a princess then (sounds like the previous first died a good while ago).

I liked how scared Latina got when she thought Dale was going to get married.
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