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Old 2019-08-29, 01:08   Link #336
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Originally Posted by Anh_Minh View Post
They're using different calendars. If there was a cataclysm within 12 years of Polina going to sleep, but also a migration to Astra, that might be a good time to reset the clock. But that would mean Polina spent 2000+ years asleep. It also means her ship kept working for all that time. The Astra too. And how would they still speak the same language?
I mean, the conclusion has to be that Polina was asleep for longer than our current crew estimated. The years match up and yet, don't. We see that the dominant language, despite the crew speaking Japanese for the audience, is English. We see it in the writing everywhere and so must assume the crew is "speaking" it too. However, English itself has changed quite a bit in the last few centuries. If it indeed is 2000+ years later, how are the two able to clearly understand each other? They don't even comment on Polina speaking in an archaic or old-fashioned way. Polina also makes no mention of a change in fashion or culture that should be vastly different if 2000+ years had gone by either.

So, it can't be so long ago that the language is virtually unchanged, and yet it HAS to be in order for a word like "Earth" to be completely taken from out of the spoken and written language.
The planet of Astra has to have some connection to the Earth considering the culture and world they have there, and yet, something's not adding up yet.

Parallel worlds, perhaps? A rip in space and time?
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- Major Kyosuke Hyobu

Last edited by Irenesharda; 2019-08-29 at 01:19.
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