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Old 2019-09-01, 00:01   Link #55
Infinite Zenith
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Originally Posted by Toukairin View Post
And so are the pigs using pepper sprays and beating people with batons in a metro station, which are against all existing safety limits for most riot police units out there. When I see stuff like that on video, I want to puke on every single argument preaching horseshit on "law and order" and "blue lives matter" when specific police units are not even fit to perform the primary duty of "serving and protecting" the citizen.
Which speaks to how ignorant and stupid you are. The rioters started it first, and the police are absolutely doing the right thing by breaking things up. The rioters need to realise that their actions aren't a video game, and that there are consequences for their actions. So don't act like we don't need cops doing their job: by stopping the rioters in their tracks, they're protecting the rest of us who haven't stooped to the low of destroying property and interfering with society.

At any rate, I’m kind of curious to know who paid for the bail. 1250 USD isn’t exactly outrageous, but not something those two look like they’d have just lying around.

Last edited by Infinite Zenith; 2023-04-28 at 13:42.
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